
How can you possibly say anything else?

I mean, a big old "Awwwww" is just the right response, isn't it? Go ahead, it feels right.

We had originally planned to get two baby goats, but a series of tragedies on the source farm changed the game. We got a mom and her bouncing (literally) baby boy instead. Looks like we still won, doesn't it?


  1. Awwwwwwwwwww, they're ADORABLE! I bet the boys are so excited. I'm not sure which kids would be more fun to watch. :)

    We've not picked ours up yet. Hoping the big thaw that's coming will speed things up. But I have a broody hen hatching easter egger babies on the back porch as we speak!

  2. Easter egger babies! That's great! I thought about letting my EE hen raise a few eggs since we have an EE rooster (which was supposed to be a hen), but we'd have to add on to the coop. Haven't sold that idea, yet!

  3. You know, you really should post something here every once in awhile. ;-)
